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Beauty Hair Israel

Hair is not just hair !

It defines you into the character you want... brings out your inner beauty, gives you tremendous strengths to do everything and be whatever you want...

Beauty Hair Israel BHI

Is an Israeli importing company that supplies wigs and 100% natural hair extensions, to private customers and business owners

  • To give you a healthy and strong natural look, we use only natural hair that has not undergone any industrial processing, coloring or oxidation.
  • Our hair is carefully selected for our customers in order to give each of them quality hair and a perfect look at unbeatable prices.
  • We supply hair to all parts of the country with fast home delivery at importer prices and under warranty!
  • Come and renew yourself with high-quality and strong hair for a long time.
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Hair is not just hair!

It defines you into the character you want… brings out your inner beauty, gives you tremendous strengths to do everything and be whatever you want…

Take your crown anywhere safely

Come and do it with beauty hair extensions ❀

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Hi My Darlings!

I want to share with you, I have always had hair extensions, I don’t remember myself without them, in the past I bought a lot of hair extensions from websites in the sand where there are really many, many, but most of them are not real hair that lasts a few weeks and at most for one-time use, until I got tired of it, so I thought of buying in Israel From all kinds of libraries and stores in Israel that promised me quality supplements and every time I was disappointed.

I spent a lot of money and again it was wasted.

I was frustrated and I decided that our girls in Israel deserve quality extensions from real and natural hair, so I decided to do research and testing for a whole year in which I talked to agents, I called factories in the sand, but even that wasn’t enough, I wanted to see with my own eyes, so I decided to fly. I visited India, Vietnam, Brazil and several European countries to look for the real thing.

I went into the factories and searched and searched, I was amazed to find out how much counterfeiting and how much lies there is in this industry, a lot as we know is simply made of synthetic hair that at most is mixed with very little real hair. In the end, finally after long research and tiring flights I found the real thing!! I saw with my own eyes how the hair is made and where it is taken from and I was amazed.. I was not happy with any simple quality hair.

So I decided that our girls in Israel also deserve real quality hair like this.

So I decided to set up Beauty Hair Extensions in order to make this perfect hair accessible and give you.

Among our customers are hairdressers all over the country, models, Darg royalty. and private customers.

But above all, it is important to us that our stunning customers will be satisfied and receive the best products on the market, our customers know that we have a solution for every problem and we make sure that every customer receives the best and highest quality product without compromises and at the prices of an importer straight to your home.

We are excited every time again by our stunning girls who share with us photos and videos of extras that turned out perfect for them and they are satisfied, we have no words to describe how much we love you and how beautiful and stunning you are, please keep sharing ❀

You are our strength, we love you and want you to get the best, feel free to contact us for any question or consultation with great love ❀

May you have a lovely day and lots of happiness, fun and love 😍 We love you “Hair Extensions Beauty Israel” team

Know More About Us Through Blogs

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    Instructions for maintaining hair extensions/wigs:

    The hair extensions are attached artificially and do not receive the body’s natural nourishment, therefore to keep the extensions for a long time it is recommended to overlap at least twice a week. Wash with lukewarm water and with sulfate- and alcohol-free shampoo. Wash gently in circular movements with your fingers to avoid aggressive pulling […]

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