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Instructions for maintaining hair extensions/wigs:

  • The hair extensions are attached artificially and do not receive the body’s natural nourishment, therefore to keep the extensions for a long time it is recommended to overlap at least twice a week.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and with sulfate- and alcohol-free shampoo.
  • Wash gently in circular movements with your fingers to avoid aggressive pulling and tearing of the extensions. Then the hair should be completely dried. It is recommended to dry the hair in room air or gently pat with a towel.
  • In case of emergency, you can also use a drying rack. It must be remembered that wet hair tends to get tangled and full of knots and only after complete drying should the knots be untied with a light and gentle comb starting from the bottom up gently.
  • It is highly recommended to use serum and nutrients that will keep the hair full of pleasant soft shine and prolong their life. This recommendation is especially valid for women who have chosen extensions that have been dyed in the past or have undergone some kind of chemical process.
  • After bathing in the sea or pool, wash your hair thoroughly to minimize chemical damage
  • Do not sleep with loose hair extensions. This may cause knots and pulling. The hair should be collected gently with a handkerchief before going to bed.

Adherence to the rules will keep the hair extensions for a long time.